Monday, September 22, 2008

Grocery List project #:4

Genetically Altered Foods

Genetically altered foods are food products that have been directly altered through genetic engineering. Unlike conventional genetic modification that is carried out through time-tested conventional breeding and that have been consumed for thousands of years. Genetically altered foods were first put on the market in the early 1990's. The most common altered foods that are on sale for public consumption are derived from plants: soybean, sweet corn, tomotoes, canola oil, and rice. There are many more foods that are genetically altered for public consumption such as wheat bread, general mills corn flakes cereal, ball park franks, jiffy corn muffin mix, gardenburgers and quaker chewy granola bars.

There are many major controversies surround genetically engineered crops and foods. These commonly focus on the long-term health effects for anyone eating them, environmental safety, labeling and consumer choice, intellectual property rights, ethics, food security, poverty reduction, environmental conservation, and potential disruption or even possible destruction of the food chain.

Research show that the biggest supporters are these multi-national corporations and governments engaged in the genetic engineering of food claim the technology to be a boon for the human race, while many health-conscious people believe it to be a potential and/or actual disaster.

Genetically altered foods have the potential to solve many of the world's hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help protect and preserve the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. Yet there are many challenges ahead for governments, especially in the areas of safety testing, regulation, international policy and food labeling. Many people feel that genetic engineering is the inevitable wave of the future and that we cannot afford to ignore a technology that has such enormous potential benefits. However, we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm to human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Endangered Species Project # : 3

Endangered Species

Turks & Caicos Islands

Provide a list of all endangered animals found within 100 miles of your home.

An Endangered Species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct, because it is either fewer in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. It is usually a taxonomic species.

I am from the beautiful Turks & Caicos Islands, home of the best beaches in the world. Turks & Caicos Islands beckon you to an undiscovered Caribbean. World class hotels, spas, and restaurants await, as do our famous stretches of uncrowded beaches and vibrant coral reefs. On land or below the water, you’ll relax in the unique serenity, hospitality and beauty of our islands.

The Turks and Caicos Islands consist of 40 islands and cays, eight of which are inhabited. The islands are located 550 miles southeast of Miami, Florida, just below the Bahamas chain and just to the east of Cuba and the island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti.) Technically, the Turks and Caicos are located in the Atlantic Ocean, not the Caribbean Sea.
The islands are home to roughly 30,000 full time residents

The birds

The salt ponds and inland marshes serve as excellent feeding grounds for resident and migratory birds. Search for Great Blue Herons, Flamingos, Osprey and Pelicans alongside Egrets, Terns, Frigates, Boobies and other water birds. As part of the National Parks system more than twelve small cays have been set aside and protected for breeding grounds. 170 species of bird can be found in the Turks and Caicos Islands from Pelicans and Flamingos to Osprey and Cuban Crows. The variety is staggering and the photographs that have been taken here have been published across the world. On North Caicos in particular the tidal flats on the South side of the island attract scores of birds including wild Pink Flamingos that regularly inhabit the aptly named Flamingo Pond.
Turks and Caicos also is home to the West Indian Whistling-Duck, a rare bird that gets its name from a distinctive whistling call.

Humpback Whales

North Atlantic Humpback Whales are seen around the islands of Grand Turk and Salt Cay during the months of late January through early April. These magestic creatures pass through our area as part or their annual migration for mating and birth. While on a whale watching trip you will not only have the opportunity to encounter these amazing creatures by sight, you will also learn many interesting and educational facts. You can combined a morning of great diving where you may be able to hear the songs of the whales while under water and an afternoon of whale watching from the boat. A must see and hear experience.

JoJo the Dolphin

JoJo is a unique Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin that has been living and playing in the shallow waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the West Indies since 1980. He is one of the few dolphins around the world that voluntarily interacts with human beings in his own natural habitat. Much loved by the islanders, the government has proclaimed JoJo a National Treasure, with a specially appointed warden to protect him. The friendly dolphin has become a powerful symbol for nature conservation in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Sparsely populated and so far unspoiled, the islands and their turquoise waters are a unique haven for wildlife. Marine Turtles, migrating whales, schools of wild dolphins and a variety of rare birds are found in the area. Seeing so many tropical islands ruined by careless development, the government has recently committed itself to the path of ' eco - tourism' in an effort to protect the Country's fragile natural heritage. The small island nation has already established 27 national parks and protected areas, in an effort to safeguard its pristine shores.

The Rock Iguana

The Rock Iguana (Cyclura carinata) is found nowhere else in the world. It is a shy and harmless reptile. These large lizards were once found on nearly all of the islands of the Turks & Caicos archipelago. Unfortunately, iguanas are no longer found on islands where livestock and domesticated animals (especially cats and dogs) have been introduced. These docile creatures have now taken refuge mainly on small-uninhabited cays away from human settlement. Little Water Cay is their most famous refuge, a small island totally inhabited by some 2000 Rock Iguanas which has a board walk that goes through the island for easy viewing of these amazing creatures. We have something that is the only one of its kind. We should be proud of it and continue to protect and preserve this unique animal as part of our national heritage.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Carbon Cycle Project # 2

The paths taken by carbon atoms through this cycle are extremely complex, and may take millions of years to come full circle.

The Carbon Cycle

Carbon is known to be the basis of all organic molecules. It is a greenhouse gas that makes up our genetic material (DNA, RNA and protein) which is very important for life. It is a major element in our body that has the ability to bond with almost any molecule.

The Carbon cycle is the process for which carbon is cycle through the air, plants animals, fossil fuel and ground. It is usually though of as four major reservoirs interacting by pathways of exchange. According to statistics, large amount of carbon is given off into the atmosphere forming into carbon dioxide (Co2). Carbon dioxide is then cycle by green plants forming into a well known process called photosynthesis which produces organic molecules. It is the great natural recycler of the carbon atoms.

In Oceans photosynthesis is carried out by microscopic aquatic plants called phytoplankton. After this is done the carbohydrates then becomes the foundation for a system of chemical energy that fuel living cells in plants and animals. In the ocean extremely large amounts of carbon sinks to the ocean floor to be burn into the crust of the earth. In consumers, carbon dioxide reenters the air through respiration, as food molecules are broken down for energy and Co2 and other byproducts are emitted.

In the carbon cycle plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere along with water they get from the soil to make the substance they need in order to grow. Without the proper functioning of the carbon cycle every aspect of life could change dramatically. It is very vital to know and understand the importance of its working functions.

In accordance with the Carbon cycle website at various times in the history of the earth, different parts of the earth have had different levels of importance and the amount held in sinks and movements between them has varied enormously.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Environmental Organizations (Project # 1)

Melissa Walkin
Environmental Studies


I would first like to give you a clear understand of what Greenpeace is all about. According to statistics it was first originated by the Greenpeace Foundation in British Columbia, Canada, and Vancouver to oppose the United States testing nuclear device in Amchitka, Alaska. It was later decided that the mean focus of the foundation would be base upon environmental Issues. For example: global warming, nuclear power, old growth, and bottom trawling.

Greenpeace is regionally and nationally well known in many countries, and has a worldwide communication which is affiliated to the Amsterdam based at Greenpeace International.

According to its official website, Greenpeace defines its mission as a global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by ways:
· Catalyzing an energy revolution dealing with climate change
· Defending our oceans by wasteful and destructive fishing and create a global network of marine reserves.
· Protecting the ancient forest, animals, plants, and people
· Working for disarmament and peace, trying to eliminate nuclear weapons.
· Strive to create a clear safe toxic free environment
· Campaign for sustainable agriculture by encouraging socially and ecologically responsible farming practices.

I would personally prefer to join the Greenpeace foundation, meanly because their direct objective is to attract attention to environmental problems that would benefit me as a human by many ways destructions.

Saving endangered species in wild places and rebuilding clean energy

National Resource Defense Council

NRDC is the nations’ most effective environmental action organization in the world. According to statistics it is currently made up of more then 1.2 million members and online activists to protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places with lawyers, scientist and many others world wide to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all.

In addition they strive to support the most pressing environment issues such as moving America beyond oil, curbing global warming, help to reduce toxic chemical out of the environment, saving wildlife and wild places, restoring our ocean and helping china go green.

Their mission is to produce a safe and healthy earth for its people, its plants, and animals and a natural system in which all life depends. At the same time they work to restore the integrity of the element that sustains life. Such as: air, land and water and to oppose endangered natural places. NRDC strive is to affirm the integral place of human being in the environment, to establish good stewardship of the earth, and to protect nature to advance long-term welfare of present and future generations. They most important mission to me would be to work in fostering the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decision that affects their environment.

Wild Spots Foundation

The wild spots foundation work towards preserving endangered and threaten species through education, science and visual arts. According to statistics wild spots was formally organized by Dr. Barry Barker and a small group of students. Its’ strive is to documents species in a variety of ecosystems, access ecotourism, research DNA from a specific Andean Puma, and exhibit the inspiring nature of photography of their work shop.
In accordance with the official web site of the wild spots, it states that its mission is meanly to serve conservation beyond utilitarian with reason be corporating a sense of stewardship, and owner ship to protect the world’s valuable wild spots, in return for the physical and spiritual sustenance it offers for generation to come.

The foundation believes in the strong valves of biodiversity throughout the world. It is their beliefs that exploration actively protects biodiversity.